Chalkboard Paint

When chalkboard paint came out a few years ago, Martha Stewart was putting it on clay pots for her herbs, people were creating their own custom sized chalkboards with it, and so on and on. My opinion on chalkboard paint is to 'use it boldly'! As you can see in these photos chalkboard paint can work in traditional or contemporary spaces. I love the 'blank canvas' feeling of the entire wall painted above. I would love to see this unexpected element done in a coastal environment, surrounded by white furnishings. There are few design tools that will give you such an impact, at such a low cost. Use this product with confidence!


  1. I love what you've done with the chalkboard paint!

  2. I wish I could take credit for these photos, but they are not my own personal work, merely examples of how to use the product I am writing about. Thank you for your comment Aimee!
